

The absence of Curtis was big to me,
but Curtis showed up today!

His 'P' new era and his shoes really matched well!
(He probably was counting on being blogged)
Even his fries match him!

See you in 6-7months!

A Fashion Tip

To make your legs look longer and thinner

First, emphasize the thinnest part of your legs!

econd, don't wear too tight pants if your legs are thick!

Third, have confidence!

-I am not a stylist, so this 'tip' may not work for everyone-


Reunion of cool dudes!
Everyone welcomed Cur to the tis!
I hope he had good time.

We could have...

We could've won that trophy!
Although we ended up losing, it was a good game
revealing tremendous amount of ''sportmanship''!


I dropped my camera and
I was worried alot!
My camera was fine but,
I found unpleasant trash on the floor.

To be frank, I may have thrown
trash too (but not recently)... Let's dont do it!

Mrs Lewis

K lew's mother came to the gym to
watch the game.
Her jakcet hound tooth pattern was fashionable!


These dudes all came to the gym
to cheer up our GVB Team.
Although we lost, these dudes including myself
were definitely helpful!


Hochul fell in sleep during the game.
How is one be able to sleep in this
kind of cicumstance?

C daug

Charlie was doing a introduction for the game!
He seemed to be nervous but he was good!
He couldn'memorize it though.


I was once addicted to Pokemon game!
I played 10hours a day with the NDS!
John gave me this sticker!


We're losing but everyone was playing their best!
I wonder what kind of strategy
are they talking about


Hansol came back!
His Mexican HAT is nicE!
His skin got lil bit darker too.